Pointing is an essential construction step, filling gaps between bricks or stones in a masonry wall. Enhances appearance and prolongs
joint durability

What is Pointing?

#1 Flush Pointing

Types of Pointing

It is a Common method where gaps in masonry are filled with mortar, and smoothed to be flush with the wall surface

#2 Tuck Pointing

Tuck Pointing is a technique where mortar is pressed into joints, creating a concave indentation resembling a tuck

#3 Beaded Pointing

Beaded pointing is a technique where mortar is pressed into joints, creating a convex indentation known as "beading." Used to create a water-resistant seal

#4 Weathered Pointing

Weathered Pointing is a technique where mortar naturally weathers over time, creating a weathered appearance and offering some protection to the brick wall

#5 Keyed pointing

Keyed Pointing is a technique where mortar is forced into joints and scored to create keyways, locking masonry pieces for a stronger joint